
Central Bali Map

Bali Maps

Central Bali Map | Map of Central Bali

Central Bali MapThis Central Bali map shows you the most important places of interest to see in the mountainous central region of Bali.

Of course there is Ubud, located in the southern part of  this Central Bali map. Ubud is mainly famous for its arts and beautiful rice field views.

At Tampaksiring, a little further to the north, you will find the extraordinary Candi complex of Gunung Kawi.

In the Kintamani area, also called the Roof of Bali, is the village of Batur with the still active Batur volcano and in the hugh caldera of this volcano lies Lake Batur.

At the shores of Lake Batur you will find the Bali Aga village of Trunyan, the ‘original’ Balinese who still have pre-Hindu neolithic rites and customs.

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