
Singaraja Map

Bali Maps

Singaraja Map | Map of Singaraja

Below you’ll find a Singaraja map with street names and with main places of interest.

Singaraja MapThe most important places of interest on this Singaraja map are,

The old Dutch harbor and the Independence monument. There are still some old colonial buildings in the harbor district.

In the center, close to the Bulls statue, one can find the busy night/morning market of Singaraja, Pasar Anyar Tingkat.

There also is an ikat factory that can be visited.

In the southern part of Singaraja is a nice park, the Ngurah Rai park. Regularly pop concerts are organized here.

A little further south close to the Lion Statue  is the Royal Palace of Singaraja, wich also can be visited,

Close to the Royal Palace are the lontar library Gedung Kirya and the cultural center Sasana Budaya.

More information on Singaraja can be found in the dedicated article on Singaraja.

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